Friday, September 12, 2008

Ms. Keen and Germination

On p. 125, Melinda describes an experiment she is working on in Biology class. What does Melinda think about this project? How is her reaction to this work different from her general outlook about school right now? What is significant about the sentence, "It's amazing anything survivies."


Anonymous said...

She thinks her Seed project is kool. growing seeds amazes her. She is interested in the field. This Work compared to her other works are ovious. In biology, she has her only friend, David ( who talks to her, gives her advice, and such) Heather is not a friend cause she ditches Melinda for another group. Meaning when she's in biology she has a friend compared to when she's in the rest of the school she has none. An outcast. By meanining of" It's amazing anything survives, she means that eventhough with all that surrounding death variables including runed over by a soccer ball, somehow the plant still survives. she makes the relation ship between her and the plant. How she is suffering so much and yet still survive.

Anonymous said...

roy... you don't know how to spell. (: "kool" "relation ship" haha, (:

Jeremy said...

Like Roy said above she does think the seed project is cool and a lot more interesting than most things she does in her other classes(besides art of course, but she eventually becomes annoyed with it later on.) Anyways Her statement "It's amazing anything survives" relates to her relationship with the many students around her and also her parents. Lke the plant Melinda is able to survive despite the hardships she has to face(i.e. the plant + her = relationship). With the quote she so deeply described herself and the plant along with her in comparison to the many others around her.