Friday, September 12, 2008

The Title

Why doesn't Melinda speak? When does she finally open up? To whom does she start talking?

Melinda & Trees

When are trees mentioned in this book? How are they symbolic? (Hint-Hint- p. 187)

Chat Room

Explain the heading, "Chat Room," on p. 184. What interesting information is explained in this "chat room?" Who shows Melinda this "chat room?"

Melinda's History Project

Who/What is the subject of Melinda's history project? Why is this significant? How can Melinda relate to this topic?

Ms. Keen and Germination

On p. 125, Melinda describes an experiment she is working on in Biology class. What does Melinda think about this project? How is her reaction to this work different from her general outlook about school right now? What is significant about the sentence, "It's amazing anything survivies."

The Marthas

Who are the Marthas? A new rock group? What do they represent to Melinda? What do they represent to the other students at school?


What are Melinda's feelings about Christmas? Give a reason why she feels this way.

David Petrakis and Mr. Neck

What happens around p. 55 between David and Mr. Neck? How is Melinda affected by this conversation?


Who is Heather? How does she treat Melinda? How does Melinda treat her?

Mr. Neck

On p. 9, Mr. Neck says to Melinda, "I knew you were trouble the first ime I saw you." He then gives her a demerit. How is this encounter typical of Melinda's relationship with Mr. Neck? Describe another situation when Mr. Neck acts in this manner.